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2016-11-04 21:24:46
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2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: ...Mark would've beat him up. O_o

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: not if Mark was out at the time.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Yeah, that might've happened. :P Fern probably tackled him and that was about the most she could do at the time. e___e

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: and he probably laughed then apoligized

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Aside from the drunk scene going on, Mark and Graham haven't interacted yet in the RP. How do they get along?

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: pretty while Like Fern, Mark gets annoyed with Graham just about every day.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: And Graham's opinion of Mark?
My mom's making me go to bed, now. :/ Night.

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: night!

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: Graham: respact him but finds it fun to mess with

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: ...I think that's probably Graham's relationship with a lot of people. XP Except there's probably a lot more that he /doesn't/ respect.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Hey, Fern's other two brothers were around until the last month or so of the Blood Games, so what were Mark, Graham, and the Grecos' thoughts on them? Maybe even Nova's? Even if she never met them, she /had/ to have known about them.

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: They all didn't like the cowards the was no place for a weak person like him.
Desmond,Blaze, & Mark wanted to get rad of the other brother a long while before he was taken, Nova found him an annoyence but heared of his fighting skills.

2013-02-05 [ancienteye]: Ah. What were Graham, Darryl and Blaine's opinion of the selfish brother?

2013-02-05 [Kbird]: Blaine didn't like and often would "accidently" hurt him or break something of his.
Graham for the most part protended he wasn't there when someone was around.
Darryl tried to creep him out alot of the time.

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: XP It was no great loss, huh?

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Nope infact Blaine and Graham had a scerete party...>.>

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: XP Not that anyone would have minded...
Dishes are done! :D

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: yeah..Yay!

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Just another little thing I have saved on Microsoft for possible future use. :P I just thought of it this morning.
...Fern really /does/ try to have a back-up plan for everything. e____e

"You know I have everything arranged for that, Graham." Fern smirked. "Should I meet my demise before my goals are reached, you and Mark take over. After all," Fern gave a flippant wave of the hand, "it's already Mark's job to keep everyone in top shape and your job to keep them all on our side. You are both more than capable of keeping the people's trust and ensuring my plans are completed." She paused. "...And if worse comes to worst, you can always use my death as another bit of leverage. I'm well liked enough. Using me as a martyrdom of sorts should help spur on enough rage towards the government."

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: yeah..
Graham:Yes...My lady..

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: You didn't need to have Graham respond to that. It was to remind me for future reference! D: Poor thing. I can't imagine him taking it too well. :/

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: it was the to remind me what I saw as soon as I read no he already lost one family.

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Wonder what's going through his head after /that/ conversation... :/ Now I feel terrible for doing that to him in the comment area.

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: lol it okay...poor him though

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: ...And Fern has no idea how that could be upsetting. e____e In her mind, she just dispelled any worries Graham might have about her dying or what would happen afterwards.

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: yeah...and Mark wouldn't take it well either

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: O_o What would his reaction be? Or would he pretend to go along with it like Graham did. It's hard for me to tell, sometimes 'cause he's that rare mix of violent and silent. >___>

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: He would be silent for a bit...then tell her to think about others more often before leaving the room

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: And Fern would be like: *blink* "...What does he mean by that?" :/
...Seriously, /someone/ needs to get this stuff through her thick head. e__________e
...But if they did that, she probably wouldn't be a major bad guy anymore... :/ Just a minor antagonist to Anabell like Aspen is to her. *intense thinking face*

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: lol....It is always hard to make up your mind about som,ething like this

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Mah! *frustrated* The more I have her interact with Mark, Graham, and the Grecos, the more she acts neutral instead of evil! It's only when she's around people she doesn't trust or (in Anabell's case) absolutely hates that she goes all bitter and crazy! She needs a *bleep* good therapist, not an execution. >.< And Nova's influence /definately/ isn't helping. But if Fern does a heel-face turn, it would take a lot of time.
The fact is, she is more likable with the people she trusts, so the question is: If she goes neutral and decides to no longer antagonize the government as a whole, pull stunts like the Blood Games again, or follow Nova's orders, who would follow her?

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: well of course Mark and Graham..the Grecos probably would....Luki would kindly leave and with him so will Lilly...
and most of the other npcs would leave too but Chris would most likely stay

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Well, I /knew/ that Luki would leave. e____e He was never Fern's /friend/. He was an ally through Nova. Big difference.
...Out of curiosity, if that ever happened, what would Anabell and the good guys' reactions be? (Just to be clear, at most Fern would be an occasional ally against someone she saw as a threat to her own people/cause. Fern would /never/ go so far as to fully defect to the government unless under /impossibly extreme/ circumstances.)

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Anna:It is a trick she has to be planning we need to be one step ahead.

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: *eyetwitch* "Still hate you, too, debutante." =______________________=

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Anna:>-> why dont ya just say what your up to so we can get this over with?

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: "..." *to Graham* "I know I promised not to antagonize the government as a /whole/ but she's not exactly the president or anything, so can I shoot her?"

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Graham:ahh maybe later...

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Fern: "*bleep*." =_______=
Yue: "...They're like a couple of over-territorial alphas. Even if they learn to trust eachother, I doubt they'll ever get along."
Jace: "Even 'trust' would be quite the stretch..." >___>

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Anna:You can tell me you guys beleive her!

2013-02-06 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Of course not!"
Yue: *blink blink* "What's wrong with trusting her?"
Fern: =_____= "Think of it this way, debutante: When have I ever been /this/ obvious. I'm not /you/ after all." *just off-handedly called Anabell unsubtle/stupid*

2013-02-06 [Kbird]: Anna:Want to repeat that.*Has gun out*

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Fern: *grabs own gun* *to Graham* "This makes it self-defense, right?!" :D

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: Graham:*to Anna* please just put away you gun....she really has changed!=D
Anna:<-< fine...

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Fern: *lets go of gun* "Why does she listen to you?" *to Mark* "I know I'm not the most honest person, but she'd rather listen to someone who snoops through my drawers because he's /bored/?"

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: odd..or maybe sick?
Anna:*twitch* I know this is the comment page so I wont fight any of....didn't we agree to that.-_-

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Fern: "True." *to writers of RP* "You do realize for this sort of thing to even become a /possibility/ I'd have to feel betrayed by one of Nova or Luki's people or allies, right?"
Me: "...Breaking the fourth wall, much?" :P "Okay. Maybe one of them shot one of your guys in the shoulder?"
Fern: "...I'd have them slaughtered for that."
Me: "I know~" =^_^=

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: O.O you seem to have a plain....but once she turns to nutral Nova will want her back or want her dead

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Maybe. I'm just spewing whatever comes to mind, right now. :P As the GM and the person in control of NPCs and Luki and Nova, you have the final say.
Fern: "...You said you have a soul-sucker on your side? Would you mind getting rid of a floating little pest?"
Aspen: O.O
Me: *thinking face* "On one hand, I /love/ writing Aspen... On the other, she doesn't show up that often, I can make another character with a similar personality, /and/ if we get rid of her, there goes Nova's way of tracking them."
Me: "Well, it would be a while off, anyways..."

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: *huggles Aspen* it's okay....true

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: It has to be very gradual. Fern would have to feel like she can't rely on entertaining Nova, anymore.
Aspen: "Don't have anyone eat me! I don't even like Nova! I'll be good!" TT^TT
Me: "Well Fern isn't exactly gonna be /good/. Besides, aren't you soul-bound to Nova? That means if she calls, you can't help but respond, right?"
Aspen: "...Maybe it's reversable? Or transferrable! Please?" <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: Luki:Hmmm I could have you.^-^

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Aspen: !!! *hides behind Mark*

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: Mark:Dont worry nothings going to happen to you.

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Aspen: =^_^=
Fern: "Seriously, how do you two get along?!" >:/

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: Mark:Maybe you should try being nicer to her.>:D

2013-02-07 [ancienteye]: Fern: "I /was/! Everyone is when they hear she works for Nova!" *pouts*
Aspen: >:P

2013-02-07 [Kbird]: Mark:hehe

2013-02-08 [ancienteye]: I think Dean has the next post here.

2013-02-08 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Already taken care of

2013-02-08 [Kbird]: I'm going to be off and on do to dishes.

2013-02-08 [ancienteye]: Understood. :P

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "I don't think Kitty-Cat likes his nickname~" >:P

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Darryl: I think he just dosnt like you.^-^

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It's not like he's alone, there." e________e

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Mark: now,now Aspen didnt say anything wronge, you guys need to give her a chance.
Graham: -__________- give me a good reason to.

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "I'm only teasing~~"
Fern: e______________________________e

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Graham:0___= right now..your teasing bout soon......
Mark: Now your just being rude,Graham.

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Hey, at least I didn't hit you with a shoe."
Fern: *under her breath* "At least I can /wear/ shoes."
Aspen: *heard that* D:<

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Mark: -___- stop actting like children unless you want to be treated as such!

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Fern: *no comment*
Aspen: *pouting*

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Me: I'm calling Mark daddy from now on.

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: ...Jace is mommy and Mark is daddy? XP
Jace: !!!! "Oh, *bleeeep* no!" DX<

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Lol! Okay Mark is the daddy for the bad guys.

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: And Jace is mommy for the good guys. :P Sounds good.

2013-02-09 [Kbird]: Lol yay! Ok i've been awake for 25 hours im going to try and get a hour of sleep.:/

2013-02-09 [ancienteye]: Ok, then. :P Sorry for keeping you up. Go sleep!

2013-02-11 [Kbird]: lol I'm back and fully rested!

2013-02-12 [ancienteye]: Glad to hear it. XP

2013-02-12 [ancienteye]: They /all/ fear Nova. >:P

2013-02-12 [Kbird]: lol yeah...>.>

2013-02-12 [Kbird]: Blaine glance wasn't just about Nova though.

2013-02-12 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It wasn't ?

2013-02-12 [Kbird]: Blaine can see way ahead of them do too his earth ability.

2013-02-12 [ancienteye]: So what is he seeing? :P

2013-02-13 [Kbird]: Your'll see!

2013-02-17 [Kbird]: FUKO-CHAN!!!<img:stuff/aj/190343/1361142250.gif><img:stuff/aj/190343/1361142437.gif>

2013-02-17 [ancienteye]: ???
Ah, well. Check out what I found about a week ago. XP

2013-02-17 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: When's Yuki's sister going to show up in the basement?

2013-02-17 [Kbird]: soon.*ancient* wow *snicker,snicker*

2013-02-17 [ancienteye]: Wow, what?

2013-02-17 [Kbird]: the hottie.

2013-02-17 [ancienteye]: Then what was with the snickering? XP

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: I was wandering what your reaction would be if I said "OLDER YUKI!" lol

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: O_o That'd be quite a way off. Like when he's around Jace's age and after Jace made him go through years of absolute /hell/ in training.

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: lol yeah...that picture does remind me of Jace...

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: It looked so similar to Jace's family pics that I wondered if it was Jace before getting the necklace, or his brother Cash if he lived as long as Jace. XP

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: Where did Mark go, anyways? :P Or is he being all "everywhere and nowhere" until Fern whistles like usual?

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: Hmmmm >.<

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: Mark:I'm outta here...Was that Fern calling?!...uhh no..not yet.

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: Fern: *sits up in bed and blinks slowly* "Wha?" =_=
Me: "Did he just not want to stick around, or what?" :P

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: He dosn't really like Haniko...

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: Ah. Does he not like soul-suckers in general, not like Luki, or is it because of Aspen's reaction? Or maybe the fact that she was able to evade him for so long?

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: All of the above...and he didn't like that she was acting like the boss even after being captured

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: I guess he's more used to Fern's attitude of examining a situation being first priority. XP

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: yeah.

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: has Crimson seen the pic yet.

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: I don't think she watches the Hide Out pages. :/

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: hmmm maybe you should post on facility

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: Ah. :P

2013-02-19 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: I'm back and and with a stable wifi source

2013-02-19 [ancienteye]: Awesomeness!! :D

2013-02-19 [Kbird]: Sorry I've been of and on there was a really interesting game...but I won.^-^

2013-02-19 [ancienteye]: ???

2013-02-19 [Kbird]: "Xolga and mr Toko" you kinda have to play other games by that co. to fully enjoy it.^-^

2013-02-19 [ancienteye]: Ah.

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: ...I take it Blaine doesn't like Haniko, either?

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: not really...but he dosent really like kids.

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Ah. :P I imagine Darryl gets on his nerves then... >___>

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: big tim..but Darryl just likes making people angery >.>

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "It means you're /barely/ more tolerable than the ghost." e___e
Aspen: "Awww~ Does the widdle puppy not like me?" >:P

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: it means sit down and be quite Darryl

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Darryl:Weren't you leaving fox-tails?

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: yeah in the rp this is the comment section so I'm free to say what I want here

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Mutt has a point."

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Darryl:Dosn't mean you should....or that anyone will care.
Blaine:Shut up Darryl and go play with some rubble.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Deans next post need to be put in the library section of the hideout

Dean: thank you Aspen

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: "Welcome~" ^_^
Fern: "Since when were you so helpful?"
Aspen: "Since it benefits me and my cause to annoy you whenever and whereever I want." >:P

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:O.O

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *glares at Will* "What?"

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: nothing* turns and walks off*

Dean: that was different. Usually he's telling me off about something

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Darryl:>..> Poor,poor Fern.

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Aspen: *crosses arms huffily* "Well that was pointless."

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*stands in the shadows watching everyone*

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: *to Darryl* How so?

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Darryl:Well Aspen can annoy her as much as she want....and Fern cant do anything about.*To sam* I can smell you, ya know.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Yeah I know

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Perhaps, but now we have three soul-suckers around and she can't tip-toe around them forever."
Aspen: "Just watch me, dog-breath." >:P
Fern: *just noticed that she's been running around for two days without applying scent and is starting to smell like werewolf* O.O "Graham! Where's my perfume bag?!"

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham:Here my lady.*snicker as he hands it over*

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: *grumbles as she digs through the bag*
Aspen: >:P
Fern: *to Aspen* "Shut up." *pulls out vanilla-scented bottle and spritzes herself*
Aspen: "I didn't say anything~"
Me: "What was Graham snickering about?"

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: It's your turn at the hideout Kbird

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Me:The fact that she just yelled for her perfume bag in front of a bunch of people.
Haniko:Who's the mut?*ponits at Sam*

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: that would be my nephew Sam

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: *scoffs* e___e "Please. Most of the people here have seen me drunk. Like I care if they see me put on perfume." *spritzes at Graham before putting the bottle back in the bag* XP

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham:O.O.....^-^ Do I smell pretty?
Haniko:Hmm nice to meet you mut.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: I'm not a mutt* makes a lightning bolt arc from his finger tip to his uncles feet*

Dean:* jumps as the lightning hits his feet* stupid mutt

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: *rolls eyes* "Like sugar cookies." *pauses to think* "...Now that you mention it, I mostly use sweets-inspired-scents... Perhaps I should invest in more flowery ones? And come to think of it, I need new stockings..."
Aspen: e_____________e "...Seriously? You're using the comment area to work out a shopping list?"

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: Uncle call me a mutt again and I'll have you on the ground twitching

Dean:* smirks*Whatever mutt

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham:Oh I saw I lovely blue dress on the internet, want me to add that to the list?
Me:I love playing Graham.
Haniko:Your uncle thinks your a mutt.TT_TT

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: "Hmmm..." *taps finger on chin* "I'm not really sure if blue's my color..." *evil grin* "What do you think, Aspen?"
Aspen: =_________________________= "Go bite an electric fence, blondie."
Me: "Yeah, I can tell." XD

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*steps out of the shadows growling and has lightning arcing between his hands* I hope your ready uncle* shoots off a large lightning bolt at Dean*

Dean:O.O crud*gets hit by the lightning bolt and falls down twitching*

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: lol XD
Graham:Dont thraten my suger queen!!<- couldn't help but call her suger queen

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*glances at Graham and sends a lightning bolt his way*

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern and Aspen: ?! *blink blink*
Aspen: "Sugar queen?"
Fern: "/That's/ a new one." e_____e

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: *sees lightning bolt* !! "Graham! Get down!" *shoots at Sam's foot*

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham:*Jumps to the side just in time*Wha?! What the heck kid?!

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*to Fern* that was a big mistake cause your holding a potenal lightning rod

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: Fern: *deadly calm voice* "We aren't supposed to get into battles in the comment area, you little brat." *cocks gun*

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam: That may be but lightning does travel faster than a bullet

Dean: Sam leave now

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Mark:*kick Sam down from behind* the government isn't the only ones who can mask scent.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:*gets up quickly and faces Mark*you don't know what you have gotten yourself into

Will:Sam stand down NOW

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Graham:-____- NOW the dad shows up....We didn't even do anything!

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: he gets like this sometimes. Yuki come and get Sam please if you would

Sam: Dean started it

Dean: I did not it was my new friend Haniko who call him a mutt before I did and I got shocked for it

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Yuki:*Runs up* *sigh* are you getting int....Haniko?

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Sam:Ok I'm done shocking people*starts to walk off*

Dean: Oh now Sam leaves*mumbles stupid mutt under his breath*

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: WTF?!

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: hi Crimson. This was Sam's doing this time

Sam: shut up Dean

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Alrighty then...

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will:*sighs* why can't everyone just get along

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: Cause that's not how the world works my dear hybrid.

Me: Yeah...

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: I know that

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: I see, well guess I don't have to explain more.

Angel: *stand next to Pam* Guess not.

Me: Are you two going to start following me here now?

Pam and Angel: *looks at each other than to Crimson* YEP!

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: who the *bleep* are they

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me: Some OCs from my mind...

Pam and Angel: YEP!

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: I see

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: I'm a demon and Angel is... Well and angel... Weird thing is, we're twins.

Angel: Yep.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean: yeah I have a twin brother and the sad thing we are both hybrids

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: What kind of hybrids, I know I sense demon in you.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Dean:Werewolf,vampire,and nine-tailed fox demon

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: Oh really? How... Intriguing. *smiles*

Angel: It's never a good sign when Pam smiles...

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Will: it's never a good idea to get Dean started. He's done turned crimson into a hybrid already

Dean:yeah and she asked me to

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Pam: CRIMSON! *glares*

Me: What? It's cool! Want to see?

Angel: I DO!

Me: *turns into a white wolf*

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Me:'I need to go to sleep. I'll see you later on today Crimson

2013-02-20 [~Crimson Angel~]: Night.

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: O.O hi

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: hi Kbird. I was thinking of having Drake and Dean meeting each other after Chris calls out to Dean. What do you think?

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: Or he could Chris running like H*** away from something...>.>
Chris:Run now, talk later.

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: That works to let's go with that

2013-02-20 [ancienteye]: XP Oops. I read this /after/ having Drake cut off his exit. Should I change that?

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: Let's let Kbird decide that

2013-02-20 [Kbird]: the kitchen does have alot of doors....Chris just needs to calm down and relize

2013-02-20 [The Crimsonwolf of the Hidden Leaf]: True and one of them leads to the library

2013-03-20 [ancienteye]: ...Where to next?

2013-03-20 [Kbird]: Maybe that one room with the cage?

2013-03-20 [ancienteye]: Ok. I think Fern would open up to Haniko about it a little... She doesn't have any problems with kids. Just mothers. XP I'm supposed to be doing homework, though. D: So I might be sparse for a bit...

2013-03-20 [Kbird]: okay.

2016-11-05 [ancienteye]: I love that spa pic...

2016-11-06 [Kbird]: I do too. I would love to go somewhere like that.

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